Projects of 1996 year

Oil refining
Oil and Gas Production
Oil refining
Oil and Gas Production
Заказчик Объект Работа Фотографии
АО "Карбид" г. Темиртау -

Development of the Feasibility Report for oil refining plant, raw material & commodity product storage facilities at the site of JSC "Karbid".

АОЗТ "Санрайз" г. Москва AVT-2 Ryazan Refinery

Examination of AVT-2 Unit; development of rigorous mathematical model of the Unit; evaluation of operation troubles.

Recommendations on Unit upgrade.

Outline of design basis for Unit upgrade engineering.

ВНИИХолодмаш, г. Москва Refrigeration Plant, JSC “Victoria”

Revamp of ammonia machine section of the refrigeration plant for JSC “Victoria”.

ЗАО "Трест-Коксохиммонтаж", г. Москва Mini-Refinery

Development of detail engineering documents for sewage water intake facilities.

Конфиденциально AVT-2

Development of detail engineering documents for AVT-2 Unit upgrade and design documents for non-standardized equipment to increase output of products and reduce energy consumption.

Conformity of upgraded units of the Plant to codes and standards in effect.

ОАО "Интерхимпром- Оксосинтез", г. Пермь -

Development and approval of engineering documents for production of engine gasoline A-76 and A-92.

ОАО "ЛУКойл-Пермнефтеоргсинтез" AVT-1, JSC "LUKoil-Permnefteorgsintez"

Manufacture of Vacu-Pack regular packing set to be installed in the washing section of K-5 Tower, AVT-1 Unit, and technical assistance in erection.

ОАО "Московский НПЗ", г. Москва G-43-107, Moscow Refinery

Development of Technical Proposal and Quotation for revamp of G-43-107 Unit gas separation section to the the increase output of propane-propylene fraction to 95%.

ПО "НАФТАН", г. Новополоцк , Беларусь AT-6 PO "NAFTAN"

Development of Technical Proposal and Quotation for revamp of AT-6 Unit to recover iso-pentane fraction (ON=90) from fraction ibp-62°C.

ПО "Химпром", г. Волгоград HCI absorption unit

Recommendations on upgrade of HCI absorption units of Chlor-Methane Plant to reduce energy consumption.

СП "МИНИОЙЛ", г. Москва 300,000 t/yr Refinery, Tikhoretsk

Development of detail civil engineering for 300,000 t/yr Refinery Project, Tikhoretsk.

Development of engineering and design documents for advanced fire furnace to cool flue gas down to 220°C.