Projects of 1994 year

Oil refining
Oil and Gas Production
Oil refining
Oil and Gas Production
Заказчик Объект Работа Фотографии
АО “ЛУКОЙЛ-Астраханьнефть”, г. Астрахань Small-Size Refinery (atmospheric pressure) JVC “Beshkul”

Detail engineering for 5,000 t/yr small-size (atmospheric pressure) refinery for JVC “Beshkul” to produce commodity diesel fuel oil and component of commodity gasoline.

ВНИИГАЗ, г. Москва Modular Unit

Engineering packages for LPG desulphurization units to produce elementary sulphur and gas fractionating unit to produce household gas.

ГОСНИИХЛОРПРОЕКТ, г. Москва Vinylchloride Recovery and Treatment Unit

Outline of design basis to develop engineering for vinylchloride recovery and treatment unit for Vinyl-chloride Plant based on acetylene hydrochlorination process.

Инженерная фирма “ИНКОР”, г. Москва Установки риформинга и гидроочистки в составе НПЗ 500 тыс.тонн/год

Расчеты материальных и тепловых потоков узлов разделения установок риформинга, гидроочистки дизельного топлива, гидроочистки бензина каталитического крекинга.

Инженерная фирма “ИНКОР”, г. Москва AT and AVT Units

Outline of design basis to develop engineering for 500,000 t/yr ELOU AT and AVT Units.

ОАО Рязанский НПЗ, г. Рязань AVT-4 Unit Ryazan Refinery

Detail engineering for revamp of AVT-4 Unit to increase the capacity up to 4 MM t/yr and to produce narrow-cut lube oil fractions of preset quality.

Development of engineering and design documents for non-standardized equipment.

Conformity of the unit to codes and standards in effect.

ОАО Рязанский НПЗ, г. Рязань AVT-3 Unit Ryazan Refinery

Outline of design basis to develop detail engineering for revamp of AVT-3 unit and recommendations on conformity of AVT-3 unit to codes and standards in effect.

ПО "НАФТАН" г. Новополоцк, Беларусь AVT-6, PO "NAFTAN"

Development of AVT-6 unit model to optimize operating modes, including atmospheric crude oil distillation unit and naphta distillation unit.